Monday, May 19, 2008

Bull Creek with PugPuggy

There are fun things more fun in my life than taking my dog to Bull Creek. Bull Creek is an off-the-leash dog park. There were hundreds of dogs at Bull Creek this weekend. The temperatures rose into the 90s in Austin. Dogs needed to cool off. It was also the weekend of the Great Dane meet-up. So imagine all 15 pounds of PugPuggy next to these HUGE dogs that were more similar to horses than dogs. She got right in there and mixed it up with them. The Great Dane's head is as big as PugPuggy's entire body. It was a sight to see. Nonetheless, PugPuggy had no idea she was small. So when someone threw a ball and all the dogs chased it, PugPuggy was right there in the middle of it all.

We met my friend Jorge. Jorge is the guy from Austin who is working in Australia. He is back in Austin for a couple of weeks during his brother's graduation from UT. We met his friend, Diane. They both brought their dogs... Jake and Sandy.

I wish I had pictures of PugPuggy with the Great Danes. It was hilarious. It looked kinda like this:


jennifer said...

Dear great dane, please wear longer shorts. Thank you.

Ben said...

I second the motion.