Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Google Image Search: Word & Picture #88

Today's Word:
"Southpaw Jones"
Today's Picture:

Disclaimer #1: I added the red arrow in this picture to point-out Southpaw.

I am doing a reading a BookPeople tomorrow.

Here are some funny things about me doing a book reading:
#1) I have never written a book
#2) I never finished high school
#3) There is going to be free beer

Question: How does a person who never finished high school find himself at BookPeople in Austin, TX, doing a book reading?

Answer: Free beer... and I am friends with Southpaw Jones.

For those not familiar with the awesomeness of Southpaw Jones, you should really buy one of his many great CDs. Or you can check him out on iTunes.

Southpaw is having his friends and fans read the lyrics of his songs at BookPeople tomorrow. He is celebrating the release of his latest CD: Cruelty.

I am drawn to Southpaw's music by his ability to combine humor and sincerity. I could not be more excited about taking part in this. Thanks for the invite, Southpaw.

Please come to BookPeople on 6th and Lamar at 7 PM tomorrow, September 10th! Watch me pretend to know how to read.

Summary: Come to BookPeople, Southpaw is rad, I can read (maybe... find out tomorrow)!


Anonymous said...

You are borderline Homo

Ben said...

... and you think I am FABULOUS!!!

Renee said...

Really? You never finished high school? Does that mean you left and then did your GED or are you full-on diploma-free? No judgment ('cause dude, you can speak Japanese, plus I know Megan has good taste), it's just very unusual to meet young upwardly mobile people who didn't finish h.s.. Would love to hear the story behind that. (A topic for a future entry, perhaps?)