The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #206
Today's Word:
"Thanksgiving nap"
Today's Picture:
Looks great.
Thanksgiving is the napping holiday for me. Naps are awesome. There was lots of sleeping at the Bartley household over Thanksgiving. Megan and I flew to Kentucky for Thanksgiving. Here is Megan on the airplane:
Blurry. Silhouetted. Artistic. Window seat. Hooray.
To pass time on the flight, we play Skipbo.
Megan is the champion of the sky. She never lost while we were in the air. I am going to make her a belt like this guy:
Then Megan took pictures out the airplane window. Here are some clouds over America:
You're damn right, they are Mr. Boxer.
In Louisville, we played Wii bowling. Jen & Gar and the kids brought the Wii. My mom and dad are Wii bowling champions. She was Triana. I was Berk. Dad was John.
Yes, my dad won. My mom took second. I took last.
Here are mom and dad, posing with their victorious Wii remote.
They taunt me in my defeat.
Mom had a unique Wii bowling style. It involved a huge sweeping motion that resembled nothing like actual bowling. She would start by lifting the Wii remote WAY above her head like such...
... then she would hold it straight back and not move her hand forward until after the ball was released. It was non-traditional, but totally effective. She crushed me. I realized I hit a new low in my technology career: my parents can beat me at video games. I am ashamed.
This is the group that gathered for Thanksgiving. Missing is John Eastberg and Zach Willenbrink. They stayed in Milwaukee due to previous commitments.
We partied with the family. They threw us a family baby-shower. It was a good Thanksgiving.
In Summary: my parents crushed me in Wii bowling, naps are awesome, clouds are pretty.
Almost Daily "Name This Person And Win!"
The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #205
Today's Word:
"Oakland fans"
Today's Picture:
Interesting that when you Google-Image-Search "Oakland fans", a picture of Pittsburgh Steelers fans comes back. Google, you are broken.
I am going to pick up where I left off before Thanksgiving: the trip to Oakland for the Raiders\Chiefs game. Fans of football are pretty much the same... except in Oakland. Raiders fans make every game day Halloween. There are some people you see on TV all the time. They wear full-body costumes. I tried to take pictures with a few of them.
Here's me pretending to be tough next to a creepy guy.
The guy above handed-out his own posters. I am not joking. The poster had his MySpace account on the poster. Apparently, his target market is high schoolers. I guess Facebook is too classy for a man with a skull belt.
Here is a picture of me saying, "take a picture with me so I can make fun of you on my blog":
I like this picture because you can see me holding the poster the guy gave me in picture #1. The guy in the picture above bought his necklace at Tiffany's of Oakland. I bet no one dresses up like this for a Golden State Warriors game.
This one just makes me so happy:
I don't think these people know each other. I don't know any of them. But now, we will be forever joined on my blog.
These people accused me of being "incognito".
Their direct quote was, "I think we have a incognito here." I am not sure what they meant, but I assumed it to be one of two things:
- They smelled the Kansas City on me or
- They did not know how to use the word "incognito"
They were on to me. But I was onto their chain-link fence over coat. Paris Hilton will be wearing one next year. You watch.
And here comes the scariest Raiders fan of all:

AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Take off the mask! Take off the mask! This is the guy who got us our tickets.
It was retro-uniform day when the Raiders played the Chiefs. I thought it was ironic that I grew up in Kansas City, but now live in Austin... and the Chiefs had the state of Texas on the side of their helmet. I appreciate them going out of their way for me. Here is a photo:

Schully was able to get us great tickets thanks to Oakland starting quarterback, Bruce Gradkowski. We sat with Bruce's sisters for the game. It was exciting because Bruce was the backup for Jamarcus Russell... who was having a terrible season. Russell started the Oakland\Chiefs game, but Bruce was put-in in the 3rd quarter. The entire stadium erupted when Bruce got in the game, mostly because they were relieved the "Russell Era" was over in Oakland and partly because they were excited to see what Bruce could do. With KC leading by 6 points, Bruce almost led the team to a comeback. But dropped passes killed his winning drive and the Chiefs won.
After the game, I got to meet Bruce briefly and thank him for the tickets. He was a nice dude. But he dressed like a newspaper delivery boy from the 1920s. I hope Bruce does well the rest of the season, but I also hope his sisters give him normal clothes for Christmas. Gradkowski Sisters - get your brother a hoodie.
I was also stoked that I got to meet Paul Hackett. Coach Hackett is working for the Raiders. He was the offensive coordinator for the Kansas City Chiefs when I lived in KCK. He was also head coach of the USC Trojans before Pete Carroll stole his thunder.
The week after the game, Bruce was named the starter for the Raiders. Backup quarterbacks everywhere: see what happens when you give me tickets to your game? Brodie Croyle, I'm calling you out. Where are my tickets, Jon Kitna? Rex Grossman, you need me.
I had a blast at the Raiders game. I will always root for the Raiders...

... when they are not playing Kansas City. And I will always root for Bruce Gradkowski, even when he plays the Chiefs.
Thanks, Schully, for a memorable weekend. Fu-gee, pa-do, 11-one.
In Summary: Smell the Kansas City on me, Facebook is too classy for a man with a skull belt, Rex Grossman needs me.
Almost Daily "Name This Person And Win!"
The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #204
Today's Word:
Today's Picture:
Creepy. These koala bears are up to no good. I can see it in their untrustworthy koala-eyes.
Last weekend was a fun-filled-weekend. I could not have crammed more fun into a 2.5 days if I tried. I am still recovering (thus, no blog entries for 2 days).
The weekend started on Friday night with Megan and I attending the screening of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. The director was in attendance. Who directed it? This guy:
John Krasinski. (aka Jim from The Office). Megan thinks he's cute. She thought he was cute enough to take a picture with him:
During his Q&A before (yes, before) the film, he said a bunch of insightful things which I don't remember. I should have been taking notes. But I ordered a chocolate cake instead.
That was Friday night, 9:45 PM movie. We got home around midnight. We were in bed by 1 AM.
Saturday, I woke up at 4 AM to catch a plane to see this guy...
... Schully.
I took the BART from the airport to Oakland, the closest station to Alameda where Schully lives. The Oakland BART station is rough. It looks like a place hookers go to die. I tried not to make eye-contact with anyone, as even the children could kick my ass. When I got off the BART in Oakland, Schully called my cell saying he would pick me up in a blue Ford Excursion and I should meet him outside. So I am looking for a bald guy in a big Ford SUV. Again, I am trying not to make eye-contact with anyone. A green mini-van pulled up and started revving its engine right next to me. I was thinking, what kind of jack-ass would rev the engine of a mini-van. Turns out, it was this kind of jack-ass...
... yes, it was Schully in sunglasses, an afro wig and an "I Heart NY" T-Shirt. I laughed.
Next, we drove home where we saw Lana...
... and Archie...
... and we played with the afro wig...
... which looked way better on Archie.
Next up, Schully drove me to Berkeley for the Cal\Arizona football game. I graduated from the University of Arizona. I was the mascot for the U of A from 1995-1998. Arizona lost to Cal. I don't want to talk about it. Here is a picture of the game...
...I take full responsibility for the loss. They never win when I go to their away games.
The only good part of the Cal\Arizona game was seeing Mike Remedi.
I had not seen Mike in a long time. He looked the same.
Schully, how would you best summarize my Saturday in Berkeley?
You're god damn, right, big man in a little coat.
Sunday was the Raiders game... which deserves its own post.
In Summary: Oakland children can beat the shit out of me, koala bears have untrustworthy koala-eyes, afro wigs are funny.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Almost Daily "Name This Person And Win!"
The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #203
Today's Word:
Raiders are going to lose to the Chiefs
Today's Picture:
I am going to see 2 of my favorite football teams play this weekend. I am stoked. First, Arizona on Saturday. Then, Kansas City on Sunday.
I am also going to get to see two of my favorite people: Schully & Midori. Here is a picture of the four of us at our wedding that Schully posted today.
Should be a fun weekend, filled with football & friends. Hooray!
In Summary: Raiders are going to lose, so is Cal, I hope I am right.
Almost Daily "Name This Person And Win!"
The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #202
Almost Daily "Name This Person And Win!"
The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #201
Today's Word:
cute kid costume
Today's Picture:
I am getting stoked about having my first child for a few reasons. Some of them are goofy. Here are the goofiest:
- I want to shop for toys
- I want to see cartoons at the movie theater without people wondering why I am there
- I want to play baseball
- I want to make Halloween costumes for my kids
My friends Brian & Gordon have sons. I saw their boys at Brady's Halloween party. Here is Holden, Brian's son:

Brian made the iPhone costume for Holden. Bad-ass.
This is Landon:

Awesome Speed Racer costume. Nice work, Gordon & Kim.
In summary: I want to play baseball, Holden and Landon had bad-ass costumes, cartoons with kids are OK
Monday, November 9, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #200
Today's Word:
Today's Picture:
Darrell came to Austin last weekend. This is a picture of Darrell & I, getting ready for a Texas Martini at Chuy's:
I picked Darrell up at the airport around 8:30 PM on Friday, then we ate at Rudy's. After dinner, we headed to the Master Pancake E.T. show. The next morning, we:
- ate pancakes
- went to a UT tailgate
- received 4 tallboy-koozies from the good people at Tecate
- drank 2 tallboys of Tecate
- met nice people from Tucson... while tailgating at a UT game... weird
- ate at Mann's Bar-B-Q
- watched the Arizona vs. Washington State game with a UA alum named George
- went to a birthday party for my buddy Scott
- got 2 more tallboys of Tecate
- watched some Saturday night live
Sunday morning, Megan, Darrell and I went out for breakfast where Darrell took this picture of Megan and I:
We all ate migas.
Then we stopped at Chuy's for a Texas Martini before sending Darrell on his way back to Tucson. It was a quick trip, but fun to see an old friend.
Darrell - Bear Down.
In Summary: Tecate tallboy-koozies rock, everyone eats migas, a UT football game is a good place to meet people from Tucson
Almost Daily "Name This Person And Win!"
The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Google Image Search: Word & Picture #199
Today's Word:
Today's Picture:
I am totally stoked. There are 2 big reasons.
#1 - Darrell is coming to Austin this weekend. We are going to laugh, drink beer, eat Bar-B-Q and watch football.
#2 - I got into Butt-Numb-Athon! 24 hours of movie-watching bliss in celebration of Harry Knowles' birthday. Hell yes! High-five the blog!
I am pumped. This should be a great weekend.
In Summary: I am stoked, I am pumped, Darrell is coming to Austin.
Almost Daily "Name This Person And Win!"
The first person who names the person in this picture wins a hug from Ben!!!