Thursday, July 16, 2009

Google Image Search: Word & Picture #187

Today's Word:
mom jeans

Today's Picture:

In honor of one of my favorite SNL sketches, today's word is "mom jeans".

I did not realize it until today, but guys can wear mom jeans, too. Need proof? Check this out:

That is our president, throwing out the first pitch at the All-Star game, wearing mom jeans.

Besides the high waste and 9-inch zipper, what really makes mom-jeans stand-out: white shoes. Nothing says, "I have pushed a child out of my privates and, therefore, can wear whatever jeans I want" like a pair of high-cut jeans with white shoes. Hell yes, mom, you have earned it.

In summary: the president of America is a southpaw, mom jeans are deserved, guys can wear mom jeans.


jennifer said...

I always thought the mom jeans commercial should be viewed after the "oops I crapped my pants" commercial.

Southpaw said...

Dang right he's a southpaw. This Southpaw has mom genes, but no mom jeans. Very nurturing I am.