Today's Word:
Apollo 13
Today's Picture:
Ron Howard came to Austin for the Austin Film Festival. I got a pass from my friend, Brian... then upgraded it to a Weekend Badge so I could attend panels. Megan got a pass, too. She took some amazing pictures of Ron Howard... see below.
Ron Howard's Apollo 13 panel was my favorite. They had several original NASA employees, including Apollo 13 astronaut James Lovell, in attendence. During the screening of Apollo 13, Megan sat next to me. Our baby was kicking like crazy inside of Megan's belly. Megan put my hand on her stomach and I felt our baby kick for the first time... right before the grandma's line of, "Don't you worry. If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it." This was something I will never forget.
Other favorite moments from the festival were:
- Mitchell Hurwitz on the story-telling panel
- Owen Egerton on the Write-What-You-Know: Comedy panel
- Rick Linklater on the Art of Storytelling panel
- Kat Candler's Love Bug
- Jason Reitman telling the story of how his father encouraged him to drop out of medical school saying, "there is not enough magic in it for you"
- watching "Youth in Revolt"
Kat won the "Narrative Short Audience Award Winner". Congrats, Kat! You rock. I loved that short and can not wait for it to be made into a feature.
Megan snapped these pictures of Ron Howard outside the Paramount...

... and this photo of Ron Howard and the entire Apollo 13 Q&A panel after the movie screening...

In Summary: My baby kicks Megan's belly, Kat's Love Bug is awesome, there is not enough magic in med school.
I've heard people talking about Youth In Revolt - you liked it?
Yes, I loved Youth in Revolt. I would go so far as to say it is my favorite Michael Cera movie... except for maybe SuperBad.
Looks like you accidentally cut the paragraph about Megan... (but I gather she's getting kicked.)
Ooops! Yes... I did cut it out. I will go back and re-edit. My bad. Thanks, Renee!
That's it. God has told you in no uncertain terms to name your baby Jimmy.
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