Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Megan

Megan Bayles Bartley, my wife (& best-girlfriend), is celebrating a birthday. A lady never reveals her age... fortunately, I am not a lady... Megan is 31-years-young today.

Megan & I met at a co-ed softball game in Louisville, Kentucky. I was playing, Megan was in the stands. We had mutual friends & connected immediately. The first thing Megan ever said to me was, "is that an Arizona hat you are wearing?"

Megan knew it was an Arizona hat because she had lived in Tucson, Arizona, where I went to college. Although we never lived in Tucson at the same time, we both have ties to the University of Arizona. Megan worked there, I worked\went to school there. Megan's parents moved to Tucson after leaving Seattle (where Megan grew up and went to UW).

The odds of me meeting Megan were pretty remote. Considering where we grew up, where we lived and our backgrounds, there was such a small chance of our lives intersecting. The different places we lived\worked before we met (Megan - Seattle, Tucson, Phoenix, Louisville; me - St. Louis, Kansas City, Tucson, Raleigh, Louisville, Austin, Japan) made it unlikely our paths would cross.

But I am sure glad our paths crossed.

Megan - I will never forget dancing with you at our wedding. Happy Birthday & I love you.

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