Monday, March 9, 2009

Google Image Search: Word & Picture #148

Today's Word:
too much meat

Today's Picture:

Yes, I would eat it.

The trip to Snow's was a blast. The amount of meat in the picture above pales in comparison to the amount of meat we ate. Compare:

Don't worry, I did not eat that by myself.

I had help from these people...

... and these people...

The picture above is entitled, "Here. Have Some Pickles."

In fact, Karrie (the one handing me pickles) drove the party van to Lexington. Tim rode his bike from Elgin to Lexington.

After eating at Snow's, I did not have a proper meal the rest of the day. I had a cookie at The Watchmen, a few chips & salsa at the Stephen F. Austin... but no meal. I was stuffed all day.

Snow's was delicious. If you live in Austin, you should go visit. My favorite was the brisket.

I wouldn't eat you if you didn't taste like hamburger.

The best part of this trip: the people. These are really funny people.

And surprisingly, everyone had a Paul Harvey imitation... that involved Bose speakers.

The drive home was topped-off by fake mustaches.

Buzz looks like a guy who would fix my car... or was selling radios out of the back of his car.

In Summary: Snow's is as delicious as advertised, I would not eat cows if they did not taste like hamburgers, fake mustaches are the way to end all Bar-B-Q outings.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm...I should get some of that barbeque.

Haven't bought the flights yet. Maybe tomorrow. For now, it's time to go dream about barbeque.


Ben said...

Cool. Let me know when you get those tickets. I have PugPuggy decked-out in purple for Jen's arrival.