Friday, May 16, 2008

Google Image Search: Word & Picture #32

Here is how this works:
I put in a word into the Google image search.
I post the picture of the first thing that comes back.

Today's Word:
"ice cold beer"

Today's Picture:

I think that is Thai money in the background of the Thai beer. There is also someone video taping this same beer. Now it is on my blog. This is a very famous beer.


Unknown said...
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Ben said...

Mmmmmm, frothy lemonade.

gsfuv = Gas? Fuuuuuu...v.

Jodi said...

That, my brother, is Tiger beer. Your brother-in-law's family founded that beer in Singapore a very long time ago. How is that for some trivia?!

Ben said...

Wow! I had no idea. That is some great trivia. I am watching the Milwaukee Brewers on TV right now.